Sound Transit Fraud, 1996-2007 |
A submission to the Washington State Auditor |
by Emory Bundy |
Operating & maintenance budgets of Sound Transit must support the operation of trains and buses, plus the work at extensive light rail maintenance bases like the first one for Sound Transit, shown in this photo posted on the web site of Federal Transit Administration. Sound Transit is planning several more light rail maintenance bases for an expanded system. Future Link Light Rail O&M expenditures will be required to support the Link Light Rail Organization that King County Metro will operate under contract for Sound Transit, as pictured above in an organization chart. Click on the chart shown to make the detail visible in a 3 megabyte pdf that can be downloaded.
Fraud: Deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or in order to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage. Within the performance record of Sound Transit to date lies clear evidence of fraud perpetrated on the citizens of the Central Puget Sound Region, and, secondarily, on the taxpayers of the USA. The manner in which costs are projected into the future confirms that the erroneous cost data are not the result of incompetence, but willful deception. This memorandum sent to the Washington State Auditor is a summary of the evidence, focused on Operating and Maintenance costs. As of summer 2007, the State Auditor's Office (SAO) is engaged in a performance audit of Sound Transit. The memorandum presents a record of what has transpired to date, as contrasted with what was represented by Sound Transit in its 1996 Sound Move Plan. The memorandum to SAO is in pdf, and reference attachments to it are also in pdf, hot linked to the name of the reference in the memorandum text. Emory
Bundy can be contacted by email: |