Public Interest Transportation Forum -

Efforts to Encourage Carpools and Vanpools

Car pooling and van pooling to some employment centers in the Puget Sound Region, such as downtown Bellevue, transports more commuters than buses. In general, government programs to promote more ride sharing and make it easier to do are very cost-effective ... meaning many people join the program at very little cost to taxpayers. Check out three of them:

  1. The Regional Ridematch System operated by King County Department of Transportation, accessible through Riderlink.

  2. The Seattle Smart Traveler ridesharing program for the University of Washington community.

  3. An interesting story in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer about King County VanPooling from Metro.

Information on the Dynamic Ridesharing concept being tested in several places, and operating informally in Washington, DC and San Francisco.

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Last modified: February 07, 2011